Digital 3D environment that embodies symbols and their meanings, communicating the identity of a place. I chose the French Riviera, where I grew up—an environment I observe and experience. Full of code and exaggerated mindset, I aim to play with interpretation, emphasizing clear deciphered symbols. These fixed islands represent different cities such as Cannes - Antibes - Cannes festival - Monaco.
Creation of 3D postal card made on the same basis as the project. This Project I see as senography. Could be explore in scale 1

                  Project realize being as part of the Digital Native Studio as a student at DAE.  Showcasing exhibition scenography. Folded white screen and large scale print playing on perspective and the 3D postals cards prototypes.

Process involving Blender software, 3D printing and modeling our scenography for the exhibition.
Messiaen Adele Spring 2023